The proposals of topics to realise during the three-year project

Let’s get to know each-other!
All about our school and us.
The region where we live.
1.      The geography, fauna and flora of the region.
2.      Sights worth seeing. 
My city.
1.      Something about history.
2.      A bit about economy.
3.      The most important monuments.
4.      Famous people.
5.      What is worth seeing or going to and why?
6.      The most important culture events.
7.      What I like most about my city is… (the picture of the city seen by the teenagers)
The traditions of the region.
1.      The traditional holidays tipical for the region.
2.      Traditional costiums.
3.      Traditional music.
4.      Traditional cuisine.
5.      Legends and fairy tales .
Ourselves, our city and region contemporaneously.
8.      Contemporaneous music.
9.      Contemporaneous culture.
10.  Hobbies and leasure time.
11.  Crazies.
Work on selected samples of Brasilian and Polish literatutre.
Visual Arts.
The most gripping examples of Brasilian/Polish painting, sculpture, architectue, ballet, etc.

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