Saturday, 26 April 2014

Easter in Jaraguá do Sul

Our Students went to the mall and show how the stores and the mall prepare themselves to the Easter Shopping. By Allison, Barbara, Ana Caroline and Angela.

Hide and Hunt Easter Eggs

On this video the Students are showing the tradition of hide and hunt Easter eggs. By Jaise, Audrey, Keila, Taís, Luana and Jéssica.

Easter in Brazil

On this video students will show somethings about Easter in Brasil.  The Easter Basket hide and hunt. What to eat on Holy Friday.  Some staging in a Church about the crucifixion and the Easter Bonfire who simbolizes the flame of the new life given by Christ. By Lucas, Marcio and Cinara.

The Easter History

On this video students will tell about the Easter history in the world. By Tainá, Marina, Aline, Pablo and Matheus.

Friday, 25 April 2014


                 In Santa Catarina, we have a festival that's called Osterfest. It happens in a very near city, Pomerode, that is the most German city at Brazil. It's celebrated on Easter and lasts five weeks. A lot of people from different cities come to Pomerode just to go to Osterfest and see the big Osterbaum (a Easter tree with 20 thousand eater´s eggs). It's a very beautiful festival, with a lot of Easter eggs, flowers, decorated trees, bunnies,workcraft  and chocolate.
                  There are a lot of atractions at Osterfest, such as:
  • Bunny Farm
  • Osterbaum with 20 thousand easter eggs
  • Paddle Boat
  • Carriage Ride
  • Children's Recreation 
  • Live Music
  • Typical Gastronomy
  • Osterfeuer - Easter Bonfire   
                    Here are some photos from the Osterfest:

The Osterbaum
Kids getting painted like bunnies

Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs
Door's Garland

You can find more informations of Osterfest looking this websites: About Osterfest 
                                                                                                           Osterfest Photos

II Conferência Jaraguá do Sul - Poznan

Cordinator Gilmara helpling the students
  On March, 17 th  we had our second web meeting with our Polish friends.
At this meeting we talked about ourselves, our school and the videos posted by each group. It was a wonderful meeting, where the students could get to know each other better.
Our next meeting will be on April, 28 th, at 9 a.m, brazillian time. We are very excited for it.
Teacher Juliana and the students.

Our Polish friends

Brazillian group